Forms and Permits

All application forms must be completed and submitted to the Town Shop, Greta White, or the Town Clerk, Melanie Miller,  for approval.

Failure to abide by guidelines, Town of Clinton Ordinances, State and Federal laws may result in penalties and fines.

Please submit applications to the Town Shop or Town Clerk. 

Driveway Permit

Call the town shop at 715-418-3092 to set up an appointment to meet at the site. The cost is $35. 

Burning Permits

During conditions where a burn ban is NOT in place, no permit is required for burning within a campfire ring, three (3) feet in diameter.  

OPEN BURNING is NOT ALLOWED without a Burning Permit. Burning Permits are issued by the Almena Fire Dept.  

Vince Wohlk 715-418-1971

You are encouraged to visit the WI DNR's website regarding Burning Permits and see the Current Fire Danger by clicking on the following link: 


Firework Permit